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"Course of life"

Dr Stephanie graduated from University of Queensland with Doctor of Medicine in mid-2019. She completed core hospital training at Caboolture Hospital across with additional rotations in Respiratory, Cardiology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 


She holds the following additional qualifications: Diploma of Women’s Health from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion from University of the Sunshine Coast, for which she was nominated the Chancellor’s Award. 


She is currently studying the Sydney Child Health Program in association with Western Sydney University, with expected completion of Graduate Diploma in Child Health in late 2024. 


She is lead clinician for a research group that has successfully gained funding for a project “Addressing education gaps to improve the provision of healthcare to Domestic Violence victims in the primary healthcare setting”. 


Dr Stephanie is an academic title holder at The University of Queensland and loves to share all aspects of learning, living and working in medicine with her colleagues. Dr Stephanie is founder and director of Honour Yo’self – resources developed for young women as they transition through puberty, with more resources for mental health and wellbeing on the way.


2024 (anticipated) Western Sydney University, Graduate Diploma in Child Health 

2022 University of the Sunshine Coast,

Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion

2022 Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Diploma of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)

2019 The University of Queensland,

Doctor of Medicine

2014 The University of Queensland,

Graduate Diploma in Science (Health)

2004 Queensland University of Technology, Bachelor of Creative Industries with Distinction​


2022 Doctor After Hours at Suncoast Christian Health Centre 

2019 - 2022 Intern, Junior and Senior House Officer at Caboolture Hospital:

  • General Medicine

  • General Surgery

  • Emergency Medicine

  • Respiratory Medicine

  • Cardiology

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology

2019 Medical Specialties at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Clinical Pharmacology with Prof Peter Pillans & Rheumatology with Dr Philip Vecchio.

  • Case study: Pharmacotherapy of multiple sclerosis


Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Caboolture Hospital with Drs Lindsay Cochrane, Lider Kukurt & Caroline Wewengkang


Critical Care at Princess Alexandra Hospital:

  • Emergency with Dr Hector Fuentes

  • Anaesthetics with Drs Deborah Farrell & Matthew Vandy

  • Intensive Care with A/Prof Peter Kruger & Dr Matthew Grigg

2018  Surgical Specialties in Ophthalmology and ENT at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital


Orthopaedics at The Prince Charles Hospital with Dr Scott Crawford 


Paediatrics at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital with Dr David Levitt 

2017 General Practice at Nundah Doctors Surgery with Dr Richard Kidd


Psychiatry at The Prince Charles Hospital with Dr Pankaj Relan & Dr Philip Nyst

  • Grand Rounds presentation: Electroconvulsive therapy and cognitive impacts


Medicine in Society at St George Medical Centre with Dr Karen Benn

  • Major projects:  
    Health Service Provision in St George: 
    Focus on Radiology;
    Nursing Education:  Congestive cardiac failure and its management in the rural community setting.


General Medicine at The Prince Charles Hospital with Dr Shaun Pandy 

  • Case studies: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy;
    PR bleeding in end-stage renal failure;
    acute on chronic type II respiratory failure.


General Surgery at The Prince Charles Hospital with Dr Robert Franz 

2016 Urban Longitudinal Integrated Community Curriculum program at Alderley Clinic with Dr Graham Morgan

2015 The University of Queensland, Research area of interest:  discrimination, harassment & bulling in medicine

Dr Stephanie Pommerel is a medical doctor trained in Queensland and registered in Australia.​She practices evidence-based medicine with an open and inquisitive approach to science more broadly, and delights in delivering precise treatments for people’s presenting problems. 

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